Legal Notices
Copyright statement
Unless specially stated otherwise, the copyright of all contents belongs to Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd.. All rights are reserved.
Names, trademarks and services of other companies mentioned in the website are their registered trade marks and owned by them respectively. C&D KINGLAND, KINGLAND, KINGWORLD, PUNCIA are trademarks of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd.. 建发 and C&D are trademarks of Xiamen C&D Corp., the parent company of Xiamen C&D Inc.. 厦门建发, CND, CHINACND are trademarks of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd.’s parent company Xiamen C&D Inc., or its companies of controlling interest, or joint stock companies.
The ownership, copyright and other rights of the data, information, page layout, patterns, processes, voices, procedures and other contents in this website (including the websites of its subsidiaries) belong to Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. and are all reserved. These rights are protected by General Rules of Civil Law the People's Republic of China, Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, The Law of the People's Republic of China on Combating Unfair Competition and other laws, rules, regulative legal documents and related international treaties. Any infringement on the above rights could lead to assuming civil, administrative or even criminal liabilities. The use of software or drivers supplied on the website is subject to the license agreement attached to the products supplied by Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd..
Copying and distribution of data on the website of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. is strictly prohibited without its prior express consent. Violators shall be subject to civil or even criminal punishment. If there is a need to copy or distribute the data of this website that has been expressly stated as not reproducible or distributable, please make a written application to the legal personnel of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd., whose address is 16th floor, C&D International Building, No.1699, Huandao East Road, Xiamen, 361008.
Please follow applicable laws when visiting our website.
Limited liability
The information on the website of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. is released by the company as the principle of "according to the facts". The company doesn't guarantee for any information from website, doesn't guarantee for anything including marketing & channel、business use or non-loss, whatever indication or implication.
Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. will take necessary measures to ensure the veracity of the website information, but doesn't guarantee any accuracy or integrity. We won't offer further notice if there is any change or update to the information. Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. reserves the right to modify this declaration at anytime. We strongly suggest you to visit this webpage regularly to realize the latest declaration.
Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. and its sub-companies will not assume any responsibility for the direct or indirect loss caused by using the information on our website. Any responsibilities and results shall be assumed by users.
Any user from worldwide is allowed to visit the website of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. without any limitation toward product application. These applications may apply to your country and may contain the information which absent on the websites of your area. Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. will not guarantee that the information within the website is applied to your country.
Besides, some applications mentioned on this website may not be applicable to the laws in some regions and areas. Please make sure to obey your local laws before you implement any concept mentioned.
Links to other websites
For users' convenience and information, the company will allow the user to access other websites via our website regularly. We don't take any responsibility for the websites, which the user access through our links. No comment toward the quality, property or reliability of these websites. This shall not represent that Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. offers the contents and information to the websites which not belong to Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd.. Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. reserves the right to delete the links at anytime without any notice to the third party.
Reply on website
We don't keep the confidentiality for the information which you reply to the website of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd.. Once you reply to our website, you have authorized us the irrepealably and unlimited right to use, copy, distribute, modify your information, as well as the agreement on that Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. is allowed to use any plan or concept which included in your response for any use for free. However, we will not disclose your name unless the law requires it or we acquire your authorization in written form.
Anti-Spam email policy
Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. and its sub-companies comply with the Anti-Spam Policy. We never send Spam emails to our users. Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. guarantees that:
1.Never sell or lease the personal information of the client, potential client and website visitor to anyone. Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. guarantee to protect the personal privacy.
2.We only send email to the users who willing this, i.e. the users willing to keep in touch with our company through online or off-line promotion activities.
3.We will take necessary preventive measures to reinforce the monitoring and control of Spam email.
Unless specially stated otherwise, the copyright of all contents belongs to Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd.. All rights are reserved.
Names, trademarks and services of other companies mentioned in the website are their registered trade marks and owned by them respectively. C&D KINGLAND, KINGLAND, KINGWORLD, PUNCIA are trademarks of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd.. 建发 and C&D are trademarks of Xiamen C&D Corp., the parent company of Xiamen C&D Inc.. 厦门建发, CND, CHINACND are trademarks of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd.’s parent company Xiamen C&D Inc., or its companies of controlling interest, or joint stock companies.
The ownership, copyright and other rights of the data, information, page layout, patterns, processes, voices, procedures and other contents in this website (including the websites of its subsidiaries) belong to Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. and are all reserved. These rights are protected by General Rules of Civil Law the People's Republic of China, Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, The Law of the People's Republic of China on Combating Unfair Competition and other laws, rules, regulative legal documents and related international treaties. Any infringement on the above rights could lead to assuming civil, administrative or even criminal liabilities. The use of software or drivers supplied on the website is subject to the license agreement attached to the products supplied by Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd..
Copying and distribution of data on the website of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. is strictly prohibited without its prior express consent. Violators shall be subject to civil or even criminal punishment. If there is a need to copy or distribute the data of this website that has been expressly stated as not reproducible or distributable, please make a written application to the legal personnel of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd., whose address is 16th floor, C&D International Building, No.1699, Huandao East Road, Xiamen, 361008.
Please follow applicable laws when visiting our website.
Limited liability
The information on the website of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. is released by the company as the principle of "according to the facts". The company doesn't guarantee for any information from website, doesn't guarantee for anything including marketing & channel、business use or non-loss, whatever indication or implication.
Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. will take necessary measures to ensure the veracity of the website information, but doesn't guarantee any accuracy or integrity. We won't offer further notice if there is any change or update to the information. Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. reserves the right to modify this declaration at anytime. We strongly suggest you to visit this webpage regularly to realize the latest declaration.
Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. and its sub-companies will not assume any responsibility for the direct or indirect loss caused by using the information on our website. Any responsibilities and results shall be assumed by users.
Any user from worldwide is allowed to visit the website of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. without any limitation toward product application. These applications may apply to your country and may contain the information which absent on the websites of your area. Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. will not guarantee that the information within the website is applied to your country.
Besides, some applications mentioned on this website may not be applicable to the laws in some regions and areas. Please make sure to obey your local laws before you implement any concept mentioned.
Links to other websites
For users' convenience and information, the company will allow the user to access other websites via our website regularly. We don't take any responsibility for the websites, which the user access through our links. No comment toward the quality, property or reliability of these websites. This shall not represent that Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. offers the contents and information to the websites which not belong to Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd.. Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. reserves the right to delete the links at anytime without any notice to the third party.
Reply on website
We don't keep the confidentiality for the information which you reply to the website of Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd.. Once you reply to our website, you have authorized us the irrepealably and unlimited right to use, copy, distribute, modify your information, as well as the agreement on that Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. is allowed to use any plan or concept which included in your response for any use for free. However, we will not disclose your name unless the law requires it or we acquire your authorization in written form.
Anti-Spam email policy
Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. and its sub-companies comply with the Anti-Spam Policy. We never send Spam emails to our users. Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. guarantees that:
1.Never sell or lease the personal information of the client, potential client and website visitor to anyone. Xiamen Kingland Co., Ltd. guarantee to protect the personal privacy.
2.We only send email to the users who willing this, i.e. the users willing to keep in touch with our company through online or off-line promotion activities.
3.We will take necessary preventive measures to reinforce the monitoring and control of Spam email.